Testing better practices
This report summarises the experiences the consortium made in two and a half years BESTGRID, including ten of the most valuable lessons we have learned.
Best practices background report
Based on existing practices and experience, BESTGRID foresees the development of action plans individually tailored to the needs of TSOs. Using the review of historical cases of infrastructure projects in different areas, IIASA provides advice on actions dealing with the five guiding principles need, transparency, engagement, environment and benefit.
This deliverable contains a review of actions which lead to success by dealing with public awareness and acceptance issues in infrastructure projects that, before their realization, faced public opposition. Successful experiences from other projects, outside (the realm) of transmission infrastructure, also provide creative ideas on new and additional actions that could be implemented within the frame of the pilot projects.
Methodological and theoretical framework mapping commonalities and differences of separate pilot study action plans onto a common framework of actions and guiding principles
The individual action plans from the pilot projects differ across project partners for a variety of locally specific reasons. In order to later compare the results from the different pilot projects, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the commonalities and differences across the action plans. IIASA provides this understanding by the development of a common methodological framework, categorising all of the separate actions taken in the pilot projects, and mapping each of the pilot projects onto this framework.
Common protocol for data collection and recording to ensure comparability across pilot projects of the quantified indicators
In addition to producing results in the form of more effective discourse and ultimately, greater public acceptance, the pilot projects will generate a great deal of information. It is essential that this information will be collected in a standardised format across the four pilot projects, in order that the data generated be of a comparable form and quality. IIASA has draft a common data protocol based on iterative discussions with other consortium partners.
Public protests against deployment of electricity transmission infrastructure in Europe: what are successful actions to deal with issues of public acceptance? Evaluation of best practices application, with revisions to protocol and action plans
The goal of this work is to identify how successful actions implemented of transmission systems operators in cooperation with non-governmental organisations and academia to address public concerns about the deployment of electricity transmission infrastructure in four pilot projects.
This publication includes three sets of results: 1) evaluation of stakeholder concerns according to guiding principles and the group of stakeholders, 2) evaluation of separate actions, 3) to address these concerns and evaluation of BESTGRID as an entire process to address stakeholders concerns.
Report on evaluation of quantified indicators, detailing the effects of best practices application for policy-makers and stakeholders
This report gives an overview of the quantitative assessment IIASA has conducted about the pilot project SuedLink. It includes an evaluation of the information events and the information material provided.
Briefing document on good practices in consideration of the environment and engagement with environmental stakeholders
The first task for BirdLife Europe in BESTGRID was to scope, research and draft an initial set of critical issues and preliminary recommendations for consideration in the design of the pilot projects. This briefing document formed the basis for the input to the action plans on early engagement with stakeholders of grid planning and permitting that were developed by the TSOs.
Briefing document on good practices in consideration of public participation and transparency
Germanwatch supports the implementation of best practices regarding public participation and transparency in the pilot projects. In the initial scoping phase, it contributed to the specific design and brought in best practices in regard of participation and transparency from other grid development projects across Europe.
Handbook "Public Participation and Transparency in Power Grid Planning" from Germanwatch
This handbook provides food for thought for those concerned with power grid projects in their areas. It invites local stakeholders to contribute their experience and expertise in support of the energy transition and the much needed power grid transformation. It also provides TSOs with examples of good practice in formal and informal stakeholder engagement and encourages the exchange of experience between them.
The handbook is available in English, French and German.
Handbook "Protecting Nature in Power Grid Planning" from BirdLife Europe
This second part of the handbook is for anyone who would like to help ensure transmission grid development contributes to protecting wildlife and nature, and to sustainable development of our energy systems. It shows how grid development and nature protection interests can work together to achieve common goals for society.
The handbook is available in English, French and German.
Report on 2 NGO training sessions and on 3 national roundtable discussions in countries where 'projects of common interests' will be implemented
The NGO BirdLife held two training sessions in the UK and Brussels, and cooperated with local branches to organise workshops in Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. This document contains summaries of all meetings.
Debrief report on workshop to discuss transferability of best practices to Italy and experiences on new tools to exchange best practices
Italian TSO Terna held three workshops in Italy with different target groups to discuss whether activities implemented in BESTGRID's pilot projects could also be useful tools in the Italian environment. Moreover, Terna tested new tools to share and exchange good practices.
Action plan for Elia's pilot project
In this action plan, the Belgian transmission grid operator is depicting all its activities that are being implemented in the pilot project within the BESTGRID framework. These include both activities that aim at enhancing the acceptability of the pilot project and activities that will accelerate the permitting procedures while complying with or surpassing environmental legislation.
Public Information Document for Elia’s pilot project
In this document, Elia summarises the actions taken so far to comprehensively communicate the grid development between Waterloo and Braine-l’Alleud to the public. These include two flyers informing on the grid project overall and the specific actions under the BESTGRID umbrella, respectively, as well as a more detailed information document and the website.
Summarising analysis of the stakeholder engagement process and planning and permitting procedures in the Stevin project
The environmental NGO BBL, together with Elia, analysed the planning and permitting process implemented for the project Stevin. This report summarises the main findings and recommendations for future projects.
Report on one information event with representatives of regional and local governments; on 3 information events to engage with the public and on 2 roundtable discussions on permitting procedures conducted with relevant stakeholders
In the pilot projects Waterloo-Braine l'Alleud and Stevin, Elia has run a series of events in collaboration with the environmental NGOs IEW and BBL. This documents summarises the outcomes of them, including information about target groups and feedback from participants.
Action Plan for TenneT's pilot project
In this action plan, the German transmission grid operator is depicting its activities that are being implemented in the pilot project within the BESTGRID framework. The activities laid out in this plan will continuously be adapted due to current developments in the project.
Public information document TenneT
Aim of all communication material was to increase transparency about the grid development project SuedLink, its aims, necessities as well as planning procedure and the approval process.
The stakeholders should be enabled to participate in the dialogue around SuedLink and to contribute in multiple ways in order to increase the public acceptance on the project. All communication material has been developed in German.
Report on 4 public information events and on 2 permitting/planning stakeholders meeting, including environmental NGOs
TenneT has conducted a series of stakeholder events and round tables, partly co-organised with the environmental organisations DUH and NABU Lower Saxony. This document gives a summary of the events and more details about the collaboration between TenneT and NABU.
Report from NABU Lower Saxony
One key component of the pilot project SuedLink was the cooperation between the responsible grid operator TenneT and the nature conservation organisation NABU in Lower Saxony. This report reflects upon this collaboration from NABU's perspective.
Action plan for 50Hertz' pilot project
In this action plan, the German transmission grid operator is depicting all its activities that are being implemented in the pilot project within the BESTGRID framework. These include both activities that aim at enhancing the acceptability of the pilot project and activities that will accelerate the permitting procedures while complying with or surpassing environmental legislation.
Report on measures 50Hertz implemented in their pilot project
This report gives an overview of the experience gained during the tour 50Hertz organised with their mobile citizen office, two information events their organised, and two roundtables for stakeholders from the environmental sector and planning/ permitting authorities.
Information material on electric and magnetic fields (in German)
50Hertz developed this information brochure during the course of BESTGRID based on experience gained while their tour with the mobile citizen office and exchanges with scientists. It explains how electric and magnetic fields (EMF) work, how they are considered in grid planning and the meaning of threshold values.
Report on the cooperation between NABU (BirdLife Germany) and 50Hertz
One key component of the pilot project Bertikow-Pasewalk in North-East Germany was the cooperation between the responsible grid operator 50Hertz and the nature conservation organisation NABU. This report reflects upon the joint activities.
National Grid's workshop report
Work package 6 is focussing on the marine and land interface environments for the development of subsea infrastructure. A key element of the delivery is to understand what constitutes Best Practice. The best way to achieve this is by directly engaging the stakeholders, both individually and collectively.
For WP6 this has taken the form of surveys and workshops. This report focuses on the inputs, process and outputs of this form of engagement prior to the formulation of an action plan to implement the findings
National Grid: marine action plan
This document includes conclusions drawn from a post-evaluation of the offshore interconnector Nemo Link between Belgium and the UK. The action plan consists of recommendations on relevant communication materials and recommendations to improve early engagement with environmental and landscaping authorities in marine/interconnector projects.
Summary of first BESTGRID workshop on 21 May 2014 in Hamburg
The first BESTGRID workshop "The Future of Social Acceptance" took place in Hamburg and attracted more than 90 participants. This document summarises main findings.
Summary of 2nd BESTGRID workshop on 23 October 2014 in Berlin
The 2nd BESTGRID workshop “Innovation through Collaboration”was held on 23 October 2014 at the Umweltforum in Berlin and investigated how to design better projects by actively collaborating. Project partners shared some of the lessons learned from almost 20 months of collaboration and at the same time had lively discussions and gained new insights beyond the realms of BESTGRID.
Summary of 3rd BESTGRID workshop on 26 February 2015 in London
The 3rd BESTGRID workshop on 26 February in London was dedicated to exchanging good practices. With the help of three formats - speed dating for networking purposes, pitches and an info marketplace - successful practices and beneficial experiences have been shared.
Summary of 4th BESTGRID workshop on 19 and 20 May 2015 in Milan
On the 19th of May, 60 participants gathered in Milan, Italy, to discuss "Grid Aesthetics" at the 4th BESTGRID workshop. Key aspects of the debate included people’s perceptions of landscape and the plentiful new approaches to pylon design and technological realisations. The workshop was completed by a field trip to Terna’s new Germoglio pylon near Milan and a visit to a substation masked with naturalistic engineering methods.
Summary of final Conference on 23 September 2015 in Brussels
The final Conference of BESTGRID focused on the topic "Implementing Projects of Common Interest" and attracted more than 90 representatives of grid developers, NGOs, political institutions, academia and industry. The Conferece programme included presentations of BESTGRID's pilot projects, different table discussions and a panel discussions on the role of EU institutions for the implementation of PCIs.
Presentations on Elia pilot project Waterloo - Braine l'Alleud
The pilot project between Braine l’Alleud and Waterloo in Belgium is driven by a special collaboration between the Belgian TSO Elia and the environmental NGO IEW (Fédération Inter-Environnement Wallonie). The two presentations by Valérie Legat (Elia) and Valérie Xhonneux (IEW) summarise first findings of their cooperation.
Presentation on pilot project Stevin
Elia collaborated closely with the NGO BBL on a retrospective analysis of the pilot project Stevin. At the final BESTGRID Conference in October 2015 in Brussels, Jeroen Mentens from Elia and Erik Grietens from BBL that carried out the work presented their findings.
Presentation on TenneT pilot project
The SuedLink pilot project in Germany is driven by a special collaboration between the German TSO TenneT and the NGO Germanwatch. At the first BESTGRID workshop in May 2014, TenneT’s Dr. Christian Schneller and Marius Strecker gave a presentation on their first impressions. At the final BESTGRID Conference in October 2015, TenneT and the NGO NABU Lower Saxony gave insights into their collaboration on the ground.
Presentation on 50Hertz's pilot project Bertikow-Pasewalk
Dr. Dirk Manthey, responsible for the project communication at the German TSO 50Hertz, introduced activities planned within the BESTGRID project at the second BESTGRID workshop in October 2014 in Berlin. The final results of the project have been presented at the final BESTGRID Conference in October 2015 in Brussels. Main focus of 50Hertz's pilot are the concerns many people have regarding electric and magnetic fields.
Presentation on National Grid's pilot project Nemo Link
Phil Pryor from National Grid who is coordinating National Grid's BESTGRID activities, presented the work done for the pilot project Nemo Link both at the 2nd BESTGRID workshop in October 2014 in Berlin and the final Conference in October 2015 in Brussels. National Grid engaged in a post-evaluation of stakeholder engagement processes in the interconnector between Great Britain and Belgium in order to draw lessons learned for future offshore grids.
Presentations from BirdLife Europe
Ivan Scrase, who is working for the British Partner of BirdLife Europe, RSPB, gave presentations about BirdLife's collaboration projects that take place in the framework of BESTGRID both at the second BESTGRID project and the final Conference in October 2015 in Brussels. BirdLife Partners were involved in four pilot projects in Belgium, Germany and the UK.
Presentation from Germanwatch
Germanwatch gave insights into their work within the BESTGRID project at the first public workshop in May 2014 in Hamburg. They focused on transparency and public participation and followed the different pilot projects closely, giving advice to the TSOs.
Communication plan
A substantial part of BESTGRID’s activities is dedicated to communication and dissemination activities with the aim of increasing awareness of the BESTGRID project, as well as the need for grid expansion to integrate renewable energy sources. During the first months of BESTGRID, we have developed a communication plan, defining the objectives, target groups, messages, and communication means and channels.
The BESTGRID consortium has developed a project flyer which will give an overview of the project's objectives, activities and timeline. It shows further insight into the motivation of partners to get engaged, their activities and intended outcome.
BESTGRID flyer: 2nd edition on lessons learned
This flyer introduces the lessons learned of our project and each pilot project. Read a short brief about each of the pilots and find out more about other activities implemented by project partners.
Debrief on bilateral meetings with stakeholders
Dissemination was a vital component of the BESTGRID project since one of its objectives was to spread the lessons learned widely across Europe and to establish an intensive exchange of best practices that continues after the end of BESTGRID itself.
The BESTGRID consortium was engaging in bilateral meetings with key stakeholders on both member state and EU level. These meetings aimed to present the results of the BESTGRID project and to encourage the implementation of the lessons learned in other EU member states. The first document contains a short debrief of activities undertaken in this respect by Germanwatch, the second one by RGI.
Debrief summaries of presentations of BESTGRID results at conferences
To support the dissemination of BESTGRID results, lessons learned have been presented at numerous events. The document contains a list of these events and titles of presentations.
Summary document newsletters and press releases
This document contains all newsletter and press releases published in the course of BESTGRID.