Innovative approaches to achieve higher acceptability, faster permitting procedures and good implementation of environmental legislation were tested in five pilot projects. In order to draw more general conclusions from the findings learned in the project, the Italian TSO Terna Rete Italia tested the viability of the results under differing conditions, with the help of three stakeholder workshops. In discussions with authorities, NGOs and the public, Terna sought to find out whether some of the tested approaches could be applied in Italy.
During the BESTGRID project, Terna Rete Italia and RGI will fostered the exchange of best practices both within the consortium and with external stakeholders. However, there is a twofold challenge with exchanging best practices in grid development: due to national peculiarities, a simple description of approaches is often insufficient to support a transfer of best practices; at the same time, attending international workshops or conferences, where more in-depth discussions are possible, requires a large investment of time and resources. However, learning from the experiences that others have already made and getting inspired by new approaches will advance an improved implementation of procedures across Europe. Therefore, Terna and RGI tested new tools, which should facilitate the best practice exchange, including for example a webinars, a LinkedIn group or virtual conferences. Lessons learned from this testing phase were summarised and published in a report.